Friday, October 21, 2011

Do The Puyallup

I grew up in Puyallup Washington, home of the Western Washington State Fair (aka: The Puyallup Fair). It was such a big event that each year we had a fair day, where we got out of school for a day just to go to the fair.  The fair is so big that it even has it's own song (see link below).  Some of my favorite memories include the Fisher scones, Elephant Ears and Crusty Pups (those are corndogs  . . . . just some clarification for those who might think otherwise!).  Hmmm, it's interesting how even back then my world revolved around food.  One of my favorite rides was the large swings that went up and around.  During the high school days our cheerleading squad would perform at the fair.  They have everything and anything you would want to see, do or eat at a fair.  So if you ever up in the northwest during the early part of September, make sure you schedule some time in to Do The Puyallup!

Click here to listen to a rock, country or gospel version of the fair song

*This post is dedicated to Evette.  Thanks for asking about it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the explaination! I'm feeling a lot more smarter nows! LOL Sounds like a blast. Does Sam love it? {I'm just assuming that he's been!} Sounds like a blast. I'm going to add it to my bucket list.
